Arti dari lagu Playing God


I can't make my own decisions

Or make any with precision

Well maybe you should tie me up

So i don't go where you don't want me

You say that i've been changing

That i'm not just simply Ageing

Well how could that be logical?

Just keep on craming ideas down my throat


You don't have to believe me

But the way I, way I see it

Next time you point a finger i might have to bend it back

And break it, break it off

Next time you point a finger i'll point you to the mirror

If Gods the game that you're playing

Well we must get more aquainted

Because it has to be so lonely to be the only one who's holy

It's just my humble opinion but it's one that i believe in

You don't deserve a point of view

If the only thing you see is you


You don't have to believe me

But the way i, way i see it

Next time you point a finger i might have to bend it back

Or break it, break it off

Next time you point a finger i'll point you to the mirror

This is the last second chance

(I'll point you to the mirror)

I'm half as good as it gets

(I'll point you to the mirror)

I'm on both sides of the fence

(I'll point you to the mirror)

Without a hint of regret i'll hold you to it

I know you don't believe me

But the way i, way i see it

Next time you point a finger i might have to bend it back

Or break it, break it off

Next time you point a finger i'll point you to the mirror

I know you won't believe me

But the way i, way i see it

Next time you point a finger i might have to bend it back

Or break it, break it off

Next time you point a finger i'll point you to the mirror.

Maknanya memang cukup dalem kayanya buat ini lagu.

Secara ga langsung hanya menyinggung "Jangan Pernah Merasa Menjadi Yang Paling Benar"

Siapa yang mau di atur2 ? ga ada kan ? ini mungkin makna yang tersirat di lagu ini.

Yang paling berasa ada pada bagian :

If Gods the game that you're playing

Well we must get more aquainted

Because it has to be so lonely to be the only one who's holy

It's just my humble opinion but it's one that i believe in

You don't deserve a point of view

If the only thing you see is you

"Jangan pernah merasa anda adalah segalanya",Karena jika lo terus ngerasa kalo lo segalanya gw yakin hidup lo ga bakal jauh dari yang namanya kesepian!

dan secara ga langsung Si pencipta lagu ini mau orang ini berubah.

entah ada yang melenceng atau engga tapi secara ga langsung maknanya seperti itu.

Mungkin juga ini kekesalan si pencipta lagu "kalo yang buat lagu ini cewe" maka cewe itu ga mau di atur2 sama cowonya.Di suruh ini lah di suruh itulah.Semua harus berdasarkan pandangan si Cowo.

Ya kurang lebih seperti itu lah,maksud yang ada di dalam lagu ini.

Maaf kalo kurang lengkap gan/sist

Oia satu lagi baru engeh.Kenapa Judul lagu ini sendiri Playing God?

Playing god = menjadi tuhan/menjadi yang paling benar.jadi sekarang semua berhubungan deh

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